Friday 2 April 2021


Khulo (ხულო in Georgian, Hulo in Turkish) is a small town of 1,007 inhabitants in the eastern part of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, in southwestern Georgia. This cozy town is one of the best ideas to discover inner Adjara because it's the administrative center of Upper Adjara. Here it can be discovered rural and Muslim Adjara, its traditional architecture and landscapes.  

How do I arrive to Khulo?

  Khulo isn't well connected with other towns in Adjara and the rest of Georgia.
  • Bus: there are marshutkas from places like Batumi (aprox. 2 hours 30 minutes) or Akhaltsikhe (aprox. 3 hours 30 minutes) from Apr to Nov.
  • Car: if you rented a car, from Khulo it can be reached Ghorjomi (aprox. 30 minutes), Akho (aprox. 45 minutes), Batumi (aprox. 1 hour 55 minutes)Machakhela National Park (aprox. 2 hours) or Akhaltsikhe (aprox. 3 hour 10 minutes).


  In the Middle Ages, a trade-caravan road connecting Samtskhe-Javakheti with Adjara and the Black Sea coast passed close to Khulo. The political center of Upper Adjara was moved from Skhalta to Khulo during the Ottoman rule, being ruled by the local family Khimshiashvili (Himşiaşvili). The population of Khulo was significantly reduced due to the Russo-Ottoman War of 1877-1878 and the subsequent Muhajirism (forced relocation of the indigenous peoples of the Caucasus) to the mainly to the Ottoman Empire. It became the center of Khula district and then, it received the status of town in 1964. During the Soviet period, the industry of tobacco growing was very developed in Khulo, as well as sewing, electromechanical and lemonade enterprises. 

What can I visit in Khulo?

  Khulo itself doesn't have many sightseeing points but it's the best idea to visit this part of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara.
These are Khulo's main attractions:
  • Khulo Cable Car (8-20; 5₾  one way): tiny podlike cable car from Soviet times that crosses the valley, reaching the traditional village of Tago high on the opposite slope. Its views are spectacular (although some are scared by the ancient machinery).
  • The town has some places that can be nice of taking a look at, such as the new St. Andria Georgian Orthodox Church, Kharebis Georgian Orthodox Church or Khulo Mosque. These different religious buildings show the importance that Khulo had for local Christians and Muslims.
  • There are some other things to do in Khulo Municipality. One of them is Didachara Mosque, a 19th century wooden mosque built for all Acharistskali Valley, unique for its decorations; or Satsikhuri Mosque.
Khulo Cable Car
Didachara Mosque
Dandalo Bridge
In the way to Khulo, coming from Batumi, there are several places where the visitor can stop. One of them is Makhuntseti Waterfall, a 52 m high waterfall that is one of the most popular waterfalls in Georgia and where having a nice time enjoying nature, and in its proximity is situated
Makhuntseti Bridge (stone-arched, vaulted bridge on the river Adjaristskali). Further on the road, in the village of Akho (ახო in Georgian), it's a good idea to visit the impressing Akho Mosque. This mosque is the oldest mosque in Adjara, dated to 1818 (built by the craftsman Usta Hussein), known for its decorative wooden carvings on the door and minbar (combining Ottoman motifs and elements of vernacular Georgian architecture). Not far from Akho it's Dandalo Bridge, an arched stone bridge built in the 11th-12th centuries over river Acharistskali that is considered an exemple of Georgian arched stone bridges.

Interior of Ghorjomi Central Mosque
In the way up to Ghorjomi it's a good idea to stop at Vanadze Georgian Orthodox Church with small remains of a temple with origin in the 12th-13th centuries or at Uchkho Bridge. One of the nicest places in Upper Adjara is Ghorjomi (ღორჯომი in Georgian), a small village with 95 inhabitants that has the typical inland Adjarian architecture. Here it can be visited Ghorjomi Central Mosque (a mosque built in 1902, closed in 1938 and rebuilt in the late 1980s, that is the largest wooden mosque in Georgia but also one of its most colorful and richly detailed) and Iskender Tavartkiladze Mosque.
Driving towards the east, getting closer to the region of Samtskhe-Javakheti, it can be driven one of the most beautiful roads in all Adjara, although it isn't in very good conditions and it takes a lot of time to be crossed.
Goderdzi Pass
Just in the border it's located Goderdzi Pass (2,025 m high), the second highest in the Lesser Caucasus in Georgia that is only opened from Apr to Nov. It's recommended to cross it only in case of having an off-road vehicle or when travelling in
marshutka. Around the pass there's a ski resort and it can also be found Goderdzi Fossil Forest caused by a powerful volcanic eruptions that buried the tropical forest that used to be here. Near the pass it's located Mtvane Lake, a small lake whose water is clean and transparent.

Skhalta Cathedral
One of the most interesting sights around Khulo is Skhalta Cathedral, 18 km far. This Georgian Orthodox monastery dates back to the mid-13th century and its foundation is attributed to Queen Tamar, only medieval church in Adjara that survived both the Ottoman and Soviet periods (currently seat of the Bishop of Skhalta). Its design is of a hall church, having small fragments of 14th-15th century wall paintings in Byzantine style. The church was abandoned after the conquest by the Ottoman Empire in the 16th century. Keeping the road that reached the monastery, 25 km east and on the border with Turkey, the visitor reaches the remote but impressing Ruins of Khikhani Fortress.
Ruins of Khikhani Fortress
This 13th century fortress on a steep cliff dates back to the 10th-11th centuries (although it has been used till the 19th century by Ottomans), and used to belong to Abuseridze family. It's considered one of the most important fortresses in Adjara and keeps some different buildings like remains of the wall, towers and churches. Close to the fortress are located Baku Waterfalls, two waterfalls that create an unique spectacle; Shuamta Lakes, group of lakes from where getting nice views of the fortress. 

Where can I eat in Khulo?

  Khulo doesn't have many places where to eat but in most of the sleeping offers that the small town offers food and dishes are available.

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