
Hello there! First of all, thank you for having entered in Travel-gap. I hope you like this amateur blog and that it provides useful information to you, the visitor, so that you can enjoy most this shared passion, travelling and learning!

This blog is only done by me and although writing on it is something I love, it takes a lot of time. Currently this blog is quite uncomplete because I can only write on my free time so I'm very sorry if you can't find the destination you are looking for. In case of suggesting any destination or any other thing, question or critic, do not hesitate to contact me!

Here you hace a map of the available regions and countries, as well as a plan on which will be the following countries that will be explored.

Available regions or countries (green), coming regions or countries (yellow), planned regions or countries (orange), medium-term planned regions or countries (red), long-term planned regions (purple), what's next (dark blue)

Resource for unfrequent languages: https://omniglot.com/language/phrases/adyghe.htm

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