Friday, 26 February 2021


Rustavi ( რუსთავი in Georgian, Рустави in Russian) is a 128,680 inhabitants city by river Kura, in the southeastern part of Georgia. It's the capital and biggest town of the administrative region of Kvemo Kartli, being the 4th largest city in the whole country too. It was dominated by the Rustavi Metallurgical Plant and the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 proved disastrous, causing the collapse of the local economy.   How do I arrive to Rustavi?   Rustavi isn't bad connected with other towns in Georgia and neighbouring countries.  Train: there are trains that reach Rustavi before arriving to Tbilisi, most of them coming from Azerbaijan. Bus: there are marshutkas from places like Tbilisi (aprox. 1 hour) or destinations...

Monday, 22 February 2021


Tbilisi (თბილისი in Georgian, Тбилиси in Russian, Թբիլիսի in Armenian formerly known as Tiflis) is a 1,171,100 inhabitants city and capital of Georgia in the banks of river Kura. This city is the most populated in Georgia (home of more than one in three of its citizens), being a vibrant and cosmopolitan city (having a reputation of being the most cosmopolitan city in the South Caucasus). Tbilisi can seem both crowded and chaotic, retaining a village-like feel with their narrow streets and small shops, while the Old Town is still redolent of an ancient Eurasian crossroads mixes with its hipster culture, its techno scene and modern air. How do I arrive to Tbilisi?   Tbilisi is the most important city in Georgia so there are many...

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