Sunday 12 July 2020

Arcipelago Toscano National Park

Arcipelago Toscano National Park (also know as Parco nazionale dell'Arcipelago Toscano in Italian) is a 746 km² park located in between the Ligurian Sea and Tyrrhenian Sea, west of Tuscany, Italy. It is formed by 7 islands, islets and the surrounding marine area, making it the largest protected maritime area.     


How do I arrive to Arcipelago Toscano National Park?

The only way to reach the National Park is by boat.
  • Plane: Elba has a small airport, 2 km north from Marina di Campo, with some flights to Pisa, Florence, Milano or Lugano.
  • Boat: the easiest way to get into the national is visiting Elba island, reaching places like Portoferraio (also Cavo or Rio Marina) from Piombino (at least a boat every hour, aprox. 1 hour) and from San Vincenzo; Capraia can be reached from San Vincenzo (aprox. 2 hours), Giglio and Giannutri can be reached from Porto Santo Stefano (aprox. 1 hour); Gargona can be reached from both San Vincenzo and Livorno.
Once in the islands these are some of the best ways to move along it.
  • Boat: Elba is the largest island in the National Park and from there, it can be reached many other islands like Giglio (from Porta Azzurro, aprox. 2 hours), Capraia (from Marciana Marina, aprox. 1 hour 30 minutes; from Portoferraio, aprox. 2 hours). There are limited visits to Pianosa (from Rio Marina and Campo nell'Elba, less than 1 hour), Montecristo on specific dates (from Porto Azzurro) and Gargona too. From Giglio it can also reach in summer Giannutri.
  • Bus: there are frequent buses that connect the main towns and villages in Elba.
  • Car: car is the easiest way to move along Elba (but in August, when it's too crowded). Its roads are typical of mountain landscapes so the visitor has to get ready for narrow roads with many curves.


According to legend the Roman god Venus lost its pearl jewelry when she emerged from the sea. It broke into splinters, from which today's islands were created. From around 750 BC the archipelago was increasingly under the influence of the Etruscans, interested in the extensive iron deposits and began to mine them. Around 453 BC Elba was temporarily occupied by the Greeks and in 246 BC the Romans conquered the islands, which then belonged to the Roman Empire or its successor states for around 800 years. Elba was invaded by the Ostrogoths and the Lombards then it becoming a possession of the Republic of Pisa (just like Giglio). Elba island was retained for two centuries by the Appiani family (Lords of Piombino) when they sold Pisa to the house of Visconti of Milan in 1399. In 1544, the Barbary pirates from North Africa devastated Elba and the coasts of Tuscany and in 1546, part of the island of Elba was handed over to Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany (renaming Portoferraio like Cosmopoli) and the rest of the island was returned to the Appiani, being captured by Philip II of Spain and going into the direct power of Spain through the State of the Presidi (together with Isola del Giglio and Giannutri). In 1736, the sovereignty of this part of Elba was claimed by the Kingdom of Naples but remained abandoned. The island of Elba was temporarily occupied by Great Britain in connection with the French Revolutionary Wars and became part of France in the Peace of Amiens in 1802. In 1814, on the day of Napoleon's abdication as Emperor of the French, Elba was transferred to Napoleon as a sovereign principality, living here till 1815. In the Congress of Vienna, Elba was added to the Grand Duchy of Tuscany and with this in 1860 came to the United Kingdom of Italy. Among the islets, Montecristo achieved literary fame through The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, published in 1844. During WW2 Elba was liberated from German occupation by the French troops and in recent decades the island has become an important international tourist destination. The National Park was established in 1996. In January 2012, in the archipelago near the island of Giglio, the cruise ship Costa Concordia with more than 4,000 passengers on board ran on a rock underwater and was left lying on the bottom with a strong list (32 people died).

What can I visit in Arcipelago Toscano National Park?

Arcipelago Toscano National Parks is formed by islands so now it will be explained what to visit and do in the park according to the town or village of every island in the park:    
  • Elba:
    island with 
    31,592 inhabitants and an area of 224 km2, largest and most famous island within the National Park. The island is a paradise of beaches, vineyards, crystal clear water and awesome views, perfect for doing outdoors sports like mountain biking, kayak, swimming or trekking. Its most important inhabitant was Napoleon, who was inprissioned in the island in 1814 (till he managed to escape).
    • Portoferraio (12,011 inhabitants): largest town in Elba and in the whole national park, being an important port in Roman times and acquired in the 16th century by Cosimo I de' Medici. The town has beaufitul streets, stairs and a wonderful old town. It can be stressful in August, when it's too busy with tourists.
      National Museum of
      the Napoleonic Residences
      • National Museum of the Napoleonic Residences (8:30-19 Mon and Wed-Sat, 8:30-12 Sun; 5€/ 2.50€  adults/ reduced): museum located in Villa dei Mulini (representative residence of Napoleon when he was made exiled) with Empire style furniture, a wonderful library, gardens in Italian style and wonderful views of the sea. Following the departure of Napoleon in 1815, the building was abandoned until the arrival of the Lorraine (used as a purely military destination)
      • St. Crispino Church: 18th century church that. It houses the relics of San Cristino, the marble altar, a statue of the Madonna and Child attributed to Tino da Camain and Napoleon's death mask. Very close to the church is located the cute stairs called Scalinata Medici.
        Stella Fortress
      • Stella Fortress (9-19; 2.50€/ 1.50€  adults/ reduced): coastal fortification that dominates the entire harbor bay. It was built in 1548 by Giovanni Camerini and Giovan Battista Belluzzi for the massive defensive system built by the Medici. The complex continued to perform the original functions to which it was used until relatively recent times.
      • Linguella Archaeological Museum (10-00 Fri-Wed from Jun to Sep; 10-16:40 Fri-Wed from Apr to May and Oct; 5€/ 3€  adults/ reduced): museum located in a 16th century tower (Linguella Tower, where Napoleon was placed in the beginning of his exile) that was a prission till 1877. It exhibits the ruins of a luxurous Roman villa known as La Linguella and some terracotta friezes.
        Linguella Archaeological Museum ():
      • Falcone Fortress (9-19; 2.50€/ 1.50€  adults/ reduced): imposing fortification completed only in the end of the 18th century with an irregular quadrangular plan. Inside the fort there are some buildings that in the past housed the garrisons, the powder magazine and the armory.
        Napoleonic Villa-Museum
        in San Martino
      • Medici Fortress (9:30-19; free): one of the fortifications built in Medici times, used as places of military residence and important observation and sighting points. Today benches a refreshment point, used by kids for their games.
      • Outside the town (5 km southwest) it can be found the Napoleonic Villa-Museum in San Martino (8:30-19 Tue-Sat, 8:30-13 Sun from Jun to Sep; 9-15 Tue-Sat, 9-13 Sun from Oct to May; 5€/ 2.50€  adults/ reduced), elegant but small villa transformed by Napoleon into his private residence, having all comfort and refinement to Parisian life. Some of its most spectacular rooms are the Sala del Nodo d'Amore (dedicated to her union with Maria Luisa of Habsburg) and Sala Egizia (decorated with hieroglyphs and pyramids).
        Sorgente Beach
        It was bought in 1850 by a Russian nobleman,
        Anatolio Demidoff, who built a gallery.
      • Continuing east there are many interesting beaches like Sansone Beach and Sorgente Beach, perfect for snorkeling because of their crystal clear waters, or Enfola Beach, that has an important offer of outdoors sports.
    • Marciana Marina (1,952 inhabitans): town located in the western part of the island, by the Ligurian Sea. In the evening it's typical to have a walk on the promenade (passeggiata).
      Tower of the Appiani
      in Marciana Marina
      • Tower of the Appiani: coastal tower that already existed in the 17th century. When the Principality of Piombino disappeared in 1815 the defensive structure was gradually abandoned from military functions and sold to private individuals, later recovered as state property. Next to it is located Capo Nord Beach.
      • St. Chiara Church: church that dates back to 1776. 
      • Before arriving to Marciana Marina from Portoferraio there's the village of  Procchio (441 inhabitants), where finding two very cute beacges, Spartaia Beach and Paolina Beach, surrounded by cliffs.
    • Marciana (2,127 inhabitans): town located in the western part of the island. It's considered the oldest and highest town in Elba with an old town of great beauty.
      Fortezza Pisana
      • Fortezza Pisana (10:30-13 and 16-19 Mon, Wed and Fri, 11-13 and 17-19:30 Sat-Sun; 2€/ free  adults/ reduced): 12th century fortress that is a relic from the times of Pisan rule over Elba. Some buildings were added afterwards to the fortress and today it's used for all kinds of events.
      • Museo Civico di Marciana (10:30-13 and 16-19 Mon, Wed and Fri, 11-13 and 17-19:30 Sat-Sun; 2€/ free  adults/ reduced): museum that shows the history development from the Paleolithic to the 18th century, with prehistoric and protohistoric and Etruscan materials from various locations on the island.
      • St. Caterina Church: 16th century church that is one of the largest churches on the island of Elba. On the side walls there are eight 18th century altars and has a baptismal font in granodiorite that dates back to 1435.
        Sanctuary of Madonna del Monte
      • Sanctuary of Madonna del Monte (free): chapel with a 13th century fresco of Madonna, considered one of the oldest religious centers of the island and a pilgrimage center. It's said that it was visited by Napoleon when visited by Maria Walewska and he drank water from a nearby fountain. It can be reached walking from Marciana by Marciana-Santuario della Madonna del Monte Trail () that provides great views of the coast of Elba and enjoying the forests of the area.
        Cabinovia and Monte Capanne
      • Not far from Marciana there's the parish of Poggio. Close to the frazione there's Mount Capanne, the highest peak of the Elba (1019 m high) that offers a wonderful view of the island and the islands of the archipelago, Corsica and the coast of Tuscany. It can be reached either by a route or using Cabinovia Monte Capanne (10-13 and 14:20-17 from Apr to Oct; round-trip 18€/ 13€/ 9  adults/ reduced/ kids), a funicular that transport visitors to the top of the mount in a 20 minutes trip.
      • le Buche Beach
        South from Poggio there's Mount Perone (630 m high) that also provides nice views of the island.

    • In the western coast of the island there are cute beaches such as the ones in Colle d'Orano, Guardia Beach or le Buche Beach.
    • Marina di Campo (2,104 inhabitans): traditional fishing town located in the southern part of the island. It's a popular touristic destination because of its beaches.
      • St. Mamiliano Church: old church, probably first built in pre-Romanesque style, that was first documented in 1343 and next to it there was a small hermitage. It has some bone relics of the saint and a 19th century painting depicting St. Mamiliano.
        Elba Aquarium

      • Elba Aquarium (9-23:30 from Jun to Sep; 9-19 from Apr to May and Oct; 9€/ 7€/ 4€/ free  adults/ retiree and people under 18/ kids under 10/ kids under 4): aquarium with a modest collection of 150 species of animals and 2000 animals in 85 basins, most of them from the Mediterranean Sea.
      • Tower of Marina di Campo: tower attested since 1596 built near the Gulf of Campo for defensive purposes, increasing its activity when a part of the island belonged to the State of the Presidi. Close to it is located St. Gaetano Church, a church built by the Spaniards for prayer stops for the garrisons in service at the tower and the center of the future development of the town of Marina di Campo in contemporary times.
        Fetovaia Beach
      • Going west from Marina di Campo there are some nice beaches such as Cavoli Beach (beach with very good installations and services) or Fetovaia Beach. The road that connects Fetovaia Beach and Colle d'Orano one is spectacular.
      • In the way east from Marina di Campo to Capoliveri there are some things to do. Close to the fraction of Lacona there's Madonna della Neve Sanctuary, a church that was first built in Romanesque style in the 12th century.
    • Capoliveri (4,103 inhabitans): town located in the southeastern part of the island. It has a wonderful square, Piazza Matteotti, and as a fortified medieval village it has small alleys with arches, underpasses and stairways around the central square.
      • St. Maria Assunta Church: Romanesque church documented since 1343, attacked by Dragut's troops and restored in 1830. Inside the building it has some 19th century statues in painted plaster.
      • Sea Museum in Capoliveri: museum that keeps the objects found in the steamship Pollux, sank since 1841, allowing to know the life of the ship and some of its recovered objects, with many old and silver coins and gold jewels of the passengers.
      • St. Michele Church: church from 1235 that was damaged by the invasion of Dragut's troops in 1553, losing its original cultic functions until in the 19th century. It preserves the beautiful Romanesque it's said that Pope Gregory XI stopped here when returned from Avignon captivity in 1376.
        Innamorata Beach
        St. Giacomo Maggiore Church
      • Madonna delle Grazie Sanctuary: small pilgrimage chapel from the 16th century that has Oriental style frescoes by Eugenio Allori and a miraculous Madonna del Silenzio attributed to the school of Michelangelo or Raphael.
      • Capoliver has three wonderfull beaches: Morcone Beach, Pareti Beach and Innamorata Beach (named after the tragic story of two lovers, Lorenzo and Maria that says that lovers always found their secret refuge on this beach. One afternoon Lorenzo was attacked and killed by pirates and Maria too threw herself into the sea). 
        Minery Museum of Capoliveri

      • Focardo Fortress: imposing 17th century fortress built in the Spanish times on a rocky cape. It's named after Don Ferdinando Foxardo, governor of Longone under King Charles II of Spain.
      • Continuing 11 km south there's the Minery Museum of Capoliveri (10-15 from Jun to Oct; 2.50€/ 1.50€  adults/ reduced), a small museum on minery in the area of Capoliveri. It also organises great trips to Genevro mine, mine with huge rooms from where magnetite was obtained till 1981.
    • Porto Azzurro (3,752 inhabitans): municipality located in the southeastern part of the island at Piombino Channel. Tourism has changed the townscape, having been an important artist colony in the early 1980s, but still some interesting places.
      Longone Fotress
      • Longone Fortress: star-shaped fortress that secured the port and bay, built in 1603 under Philip III of Spain (when Porto Azzurro was part of the State of the Presidi. It has long been a prison for capital criminals and therefore is not open to the public. Within the complex there's St. Giacomo Maggiore Church, a church built in 1655 that keeps the tombstones of Spanish generals who commanded the fortress.
        St. Giacomo Maggiore Church
      • Madonna del Carmine Church: church built in 1752 with a painting of Madonna kneeling in front of the crucifix by Francesco Basile and also a crucified Christ with articulated arms.
      • Barbarossa Beach: nice beach from where having good views of Porto Azzurro.
        Madonna di Monserrato Sanctuary
      • On the outskirts of Porto Azzurro there's Madonna di Monserrato Sanctuary, a sanctuary built in 1606 by the first Spanish governor, being a reminiscent of the abbey of the same name in Barcelona. Inside is a copy of the Black Madonna by Monserrat and the influence of the Spanish Baroque can still be felt.
    • Rio (3,430 inhabitants): municipality located in the northeastern part of the island, compounded by Rio Marina (1,220 inhabitants) and Rio nell' Elba (782 inhabitants). This area isn't among the most touristics in Elba.
      • Elba Mining Park (9:30-12:30 and 15:30-19 from Jul to Aug; 9:30-12:30 and 15:30-19 from Apr to Jun and from Sep to Oct; 2.50€):
        Landscape at Elba Mining Park
        museum that shows the history of mining in this part of Elba, that began in the Etruscan period and was finished in 1982. There are guided tours that allow the visitor to "work" in the mine.
      • St. Rocco Church: church built by the lords of Piombino in the late-16th century to offer a place of prayer to the miners who came to work on the island.
      • Rio Marina Lighthouse: lighthouse built in 1914.
      • Archaeological Museum of the Rio nell'Elba Mining District: small museum focused on the history of eastern Elba, linked to its extraordinary mineral resources, exploited from Pre-history to the Contemporary age.
      • St. Giacomo Apostolo Church: church rected during the Pisan dominion on the island modified by 18th century restorations and rearrangements. The façade shows a Renaissance imprint while the interior is characterized by the presence of Baroque style altars. 
        Volterraio Castle
      • In the north of Rio there's the village of Cavo (620 inhabitants), a relaxed fishing village with some very nice beaches and Tonietti Chapel, mausoleum was built by Adolfo Coppedè for the Tonietti family as a family tomb and as a monument to Giuseppe Tonietti, the first tenant of the Elban mines.
        Tonietti Chapel

      • On the way that connects Rio with Portoferraio there are some interesting places to visit. Only 3 km far from Rio nell'Elba is located Volterraio Castle (guided tours; 20€/ 12€/ 2  adults/ retiree/ residents in the islands), castle comissioned by Pisa in the 12th century for the island's defensive system, being able to resist the assault of the Turks in 1544 although partically destroyed due to a popular insurrection against the French troops.
        Views during the
        Grande Traversata Elbana

        Continuing 4 km there's St. Stefano alle Trane Church, a Pisan Romanesque church (that has many points in common with churches in Sardinia and Corsica), built between the 11th and 12th centuries.
    • The island of Elba has multiple places to do some routes: Sentiero del Filo d’Oro, 122 (140 m), Angoli misteriosi dell’Isola d’Elba (15 km) or Marciana-Chiessi Trail (11 km), among others. There are two routes that go through all the island of Elba, the Grande Traversata Elbana: Cavo-Pomonte (50.1 km) and Grande Traversata Elbana: Cavo-Patresi (57.1 km), divided in different parts.
    • Elba also offers plenty of routes for mountain bike such as Volterraio Castle Route (25 km), Rio nell'Elba-Cavo Route (22 km) or Monte Perone Route (20.5 km).
  • Cannelle Beach
    island with 1,426 inhabitants and an area of 23.8 km2, 2nd largest of the archipelago, located only 15 km west of Monte Argentario. The island is a paradise for scuba divers and those who enjoy snorkeling or simply swimming. Unfortunately the island is known for the disaster of the Costa Concordia (2012) in which a cruise ship ran into the rocks, with many passengers died or were injured.
    • Giglio Porto (608 inhabitants): village that hosts the main harbour in Giglio Island. Its houses are make it be coloured village facing the sea and the village has all the main services in the island.
      Tower of Saraceno
      • Tower of Saraceno: tower built in 1596 on a cliff, in a dominant position with respect to the nearby pier. It was founded by order of Ferdinand I of Tuscany to demonstrate to the fishing families (attacked by Turkish and Tunisian pirates) that they were well protected.
      • Sts. Lorenzo e Mamiliano Church: 20th century church designed by Ernesto Ganelli.
      • Tower of Lazzaretto: tower completed in 1624.
      • Close to Giglio Porto it can be reached some of the best beaches in Giglio like Arenella Beach, Cannelle Beach and Caldane Beach.
    • Giglio Castello (557 inhabitants): fascinating medieval village.
      View of Giglio Castello
      • St. Pietro Apostolo Church: 12th century church restructured completely in Baroque style in 1755. It has great views of the whole island and is home of a 16th century ivory crucifix by Giambologna and an amount of religious relics (such as the arm of San Mamilian).
      • Giglio Castello Walls: medieval walls that enclose all Giglio Castello since the 12th century.
      • Rocca Pisana di Giglio Castello: castle built by the Aldobrandeschi family in the early Middle Ages and then restructured Pisa after the Pisan invasion of the island in the 13th century. From it there are magnificent views over the entire Archipelago and the Maremma coast.
        Giglio Campese and Campese Beach

    • Giglio Campese (608 inhabitants): modern sea resort that is located in the western coast of Giglio, having its best sunsets.
      • Tower of Campese: 16th century tower that heroically defended the island from a fleet of pirates in 1799.
      • Sts. Lorenzo e Mamiliano Church: 20th century church designed by Ernesto Ganelli.
      • Tower of Lazzaretto: tower completed in 1624.
      • It's home of a very nice beach like Campese Beach.
    • The island has some interesting trails to do some trekking: Giglio Campese-Faraglioni Trail (2.4 km roundtrip), Giglio Porto-Cannelle Beach-Caldane Beach Trail (4 km), Giglio Porto-Arenella Beach Trail (2 km), Giglio Castello-Giglio Porto Hiking Trail (6 km), Giglio Campese-Allume Bay Trail (1.5 km), Giglio Castello-Giglio Campese Trail (7 km) or Giglio Castello-Le Porte-Poggio del Sasso Ritto Trail (5 km).
  • Ceppo Cove
    : island with 408 inhabitants and an area of 19.3 km2, 3rd largest of the archipelago. The island consists of two populated areas: Porto Vecchio and Capraia Isola and it's the only volcanic island in the archipelago. Capraia is closer to Corsica than to mainland Italy and therefore Corsican was spoken in Capraia till the 20th century. All the island has free access but the areas around Punta della Manza and Punta del Trattoio and is home of Pelagos Cetacean Sanctuary too.         
    • The island has very nice beaches like the spectacular Rossa Cove, Mortola Beach, Zurletto Cove, Ceppo Cove and Moreto Cove.

    • Here it can be visited some very interesting sights like Forte St. Giorgio (castle built in 1540 by the Genoese that suffered a large landslide in the 19th century and today it was renovated to obtain private apartments),
      Tower Zenobito and Rossa Cove
      St. Stefano Church (church founded by the
      hermit abbot Eudossio in the 5th century, destroyed by Saracens in the 9th century and rebuilt in the 11th century), Sant'Antonio Church (18th century church) or Punta Ferraione Lighthouse.There are a group of tower along the island such as Tower Zenobito (tower from 1545 built in volcanic stone), Tower Barbici (tower from 1699 in poor conditions) and Tower Porto (tower from 1541 that protected the entrance to the port).
    • The island has some interesting trails to do some trekking: Cala del Ceppo Trail (4 km), Reganico Trail (4 km), Cala di Porto Vecchio Trail (3.5 km), Stagnone di Capraia Trail (6 km), Semaforo del Monte Arpagna Trail (6 km), Zenobito Trail (7 km) or Monte Castelluccio e la Mortola Trail (2.5 km).
  • Ruins of the Monastery
    of St. Mamiliano
    island with 2 inhabitants and an area of 10.4 km2 (4th largest of the archipelago) that is inhabited by a couple of guardians that are in charge of supervising and welcoming scholars and visitors to the island (only 1000 per year). It's known because it appers in the book The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas (although its description isn't very precise) and has only a construction, the Ruins of the Monastery of St. Mamiliano, a 13th century monastery that was destoyed by pirated in the 16th century. The routes also visit the cute Maestra Cove and the small cave Grotta del Santo.
    • The island is wholly mountainous and an Integral State Natural Reserve because its unique flora and fauna, specially in birds, Montecristo's goat, the Mediterranean monk seal and Montecristo's viper.
    • The visits are very restricted, having to do it via guided tours (120€ per person) that consist on a guided trekking excursion following one of the three possible routes: Cala Maestra-Belvedere-Villa Reale Guided Route (2 km), Cala Maestra-Monastery-Villa Reale Guided Route (3.1 km) and Cala Maestra-Grotta del Santo-Monastery-Villa Reale Guided Route (3.6 km).
  • Town of Pianosa and its prission
    island with 10 inhabitants and an area of 10.2 km2 (5th largest of the archipelago and only 40 km far from Corsica) that isn't very touristic. It was the exile place of Agrippa Posthumus, grandchild of Augustus, and it was used as a prission till 1997, reason why the island isn't very touristic and why all the visits are done with a guided tour. 
    • There are different guided tours: Pianosa Guided Tours on Foot (aprox. 1.5 hours-2 hours; 5€-10€), Pianosa Guided Tour by Bike (aprox. 2 hours; 15€), Pianosa Guided Tour by Carriage (aprox. 1 hour 15 minutes; 16€/ 13€/ free  adults/ reduced/ kids under 4) and Pianosa Guided Tour by Bus (aprox. 1 hour 15 minutes; 20€/ 14€/ free  adults/ reduced/ kids under 4).
    • Some of the places that are visited with guided tours are the Prission of Pianosa (free), the beautiful Giovanna Cove (free) and the Baths of Agrippa Posthumus (free),
      Cala Giovanna Beach
      remains of the former Villa Agrippa when Agrippa Posthumus was exilated when his step mother acussed him of
      dissolute and a homosexual to favour her son Tiberio. It can be visited the small theatre, the thermal waters and a peristyle
    • Related to the Roman period in Pianosa it can also be visited the Catacombs of Pianosa (5€/ 3  adults/ reduced), a group of catacombs carved out of the rocks in the late-4th century where the first Christian inhabitants of Pianosa were buried.
    • The island is also a perfect place to do scuba diving and if the visitor is lucky, dolphins can sometimes be seen.
  • Views at Gorgona Guided Trail
    small island with 160 inhabitants and an area of 2.23 km2, the smallest and northernmost in the national park. The island is known for its wildlife and because of having Gorgona Agricultural Penal Colony, a prission founded in 1869 and still in use. It can only be visited with a guided tour, Gorgona Guided Trail (6 km; 45€/ 36€/ free  adults/ reduced/ kids under 4), that includes the transportation. The trip allows the visitor to learn about the history of the place and its nature by visiting the towers of the island, Old Tower of Gorgona (fortress built under Pisan rule used to defend the island and as a watchtower) and New Tower of Gorgona (tower from Medici times), and visiting cute beaches like Scirocco Cove, Martina Cove or Maestra di Gorgona Cove.
  • Giannutri: small island with 27 inhabitants and an area of 2.6 km2, the 2nd smallest and southernmost in the national park. It has the shape of waning crescent moon and is a very rocky island, full of caves and a coastline full of grottos and cliffs.
    Cala Spalmatoio Beach
    It has to be paid a ticket (
    4€) to be allowed to visit Giannutri, paid in the ticket offices of the shipping companies.
    • The area south from the complete natural reserve while the other one is only a partial one. The visitor can go freely along the path that connects Cala Spalmatoio and Cala Maestra beaches, Cala Spalmatoio-Cala Maestra di Giannutri Trail (1 km), but they can't go out of the path.
    • It's possible to visit the rest of the paths of the island but it has to be done with a tourist guide: the Nature Guided Trail (8€/ 4€/ free  adults/ reduced/ kids under 11), focused on learning about the flora and fauna of Giannutri,
      Archaeology Site of Domizi
      Enobarbi Roman Villa
      Villa Romana Archaeological Guided Trail (
      8€/ 4€/ free  adults/ reduced/ kids under 11), that allows to discover the Roman Villa.
    • Some of the places that are visited with guided tours are the beautiful Spalmatoio Cove and Maestra di Giannutri Cove, where the visitor can swim freely and also a perfect place to do scuba diving, some remains of shipwrecks (and dolphins and whales can sometimes be seen if the visitor is lucky). Another important attraction is the Archaeology Site of Domizi Enobarbi Roman Villa, remains of a villa from the 2nd century AD that was used by Domizi Enobarbi family.

Where can I eat in Arcipelago Toscano National Park?

The best places to eat in Elba aren't located in Portoferraio, that still has some interesting places to eat like the pizzeria Il Castagnacciao (Via del Mercato Vecchio 5), osteria Libertaria (Calata Giacomo Matteotti 12), trattoria and pizzeria Da Zucchetta (Piazza della Repubblica 40) or the fish resturant Bitta 20 (Calata Mazzini 20). Around Portoferraio it can be a good idea trying the Tuscan restaurant Agricolo Montefabbrello (Località Schiopparello 30), where traditional products can also be bought. There are many restaurants in Marciana Marina such as the fish restaurant Salegrosso (Via Gaspare Dussol 2), Osteria del Noce (Via della Madonna 14) or the Tuscan restaurant Publlius (Piazza del Castagneto 11 in Poggio); there are nice ice- creams at La Svolta (Via Cairoli 6). Capoliveri has some nice places to eat like the great winery Fandango (Via Cardenti 1), the fish restaurant Lo Sgarbo (Via Silvio Pellico) or the Tuscan restaurant La Taverna dei Poeti (Via Roma 14). Marina di Campo has interesting places to eat like the trattoria Il Cantuccio (Largo Giuseppe Garibaldi 2) or the bar Da Mario (Lungomare Generale Fabio Mibelli 29); and Porto Azzurro too, such as L'Osteria dei Quattro Gatti (Piazza del Mercato 4).
Portoferraio is a very good place to get fresh fish, either buying it directly to the fisherman when they arrive at Banchina d'Alto Fondale or Calata Giacomo Matteotti or buying it at Pescheria del Porto (Via delle Galeazze 20). To try the local wine and oil the best choice is visiting Tenuta La Chiusa (Località Magazzini 93), where Napoleon was hosted the first day he arrived to Elba in 1814.

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