Sunday, 23 February 2020

Eifel National Park

Eifel National Park (also know as Nationalpark Eifel in German) is a 107 km² park located in the western part of North Rhine-Westphalia, by the border between Germany and Belgium. It's the only National Park in NRW with beech woods, rivers and lakes inhabited by different species of animals like the European wildcat, the black stork, the middle spotted woodpecker, the wall lizard or beavers. Eifel National Park was recognised as the first International Dark Sky Park in Germany. The National Park was established on 2004. How do I arrive to Eifel National Park ?  The area isn't bad communicated both with the western part of North Rhine-Westphalia and Belgium. Train: there are some trains every hour to Kall from Cologne (aprox. 1 hour),...

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