Monday 16 December 2019

Lahemaa National Park

Lahemaa National Park (also know as Lahemaa rahvuspark) is a 725 km² park located by the Gulf of Finland, between Harju and Lääne-Viru Counties, being the largest National Park in Estonia (and one of the biggest in Europe) and is perfect for a rural day trip from Tallinn. There are more than 840 species of plants and 50 of mammals, like lynxs, brown bears or wolve, 220 kinds of birds and 24 species of fish.

How do I arrive to Lahemaa National Park?

 The area is quite well communicated from Tallinn and the eastern part of Estonia.
  • Bus: buses aren't frequent but there is a daily bus from Tallinn to Altja (aprox. 1 hour 45 minutes) via Loksa, Käsmu, Lepispea and Võsu. There are more frequencies from Rakvere reaching Sagadi (aprox. 45 minutes), daily buses to Palmse (aprox. 50 minutes) and Altja (aprox. 1 hour), 6 daily buses to Võsu (aprox. 1 hour) and 4 daily buses to Käsmu (aprox. 1 hour).
  • Car: to reach the National Park you can drive from Tallinn to Kolga (aprox. 45 minutes), Loksa (aprox. 55 minutes), Võsu (aprox. 1 hour) while from Rakvere it can also be reached Palmse, Sagadi and Võsu (aprox. 30 minutes), Atlja (aprox. 35 minutes) or Loksa (aprox. 50 minutes).
 Once in the Park the best ways to move around the park are the car or simply walking


From 1945 to 1991 the coast was a protected border and there used to be a 2 m high fence to prevent the access to the sea, there used to be a Soviet Union secret submarine base built in the 1950s. It was created in 1971, being the first National Park in the former Soviet Union. Nowadays it's one of the main destinations in Estonia.

What can I visit in Lahemaa National Park?

These are many things to do in this National Park, explained now according to the village where they are or the nearest one:     
  • Loksa Beach
    : 2,576 inhabitants village in Harju County. It's one of the main shipyards in Estonia and the largest municipality within the National Park. There aren't many things to do here but enjoying its popular beach, Loksa Beach, or entering at St. Maarja Church, a small 19th century cemetery church that has a huge modernist picture of the Crucifix in the altar. Not far from here, in Juminda Peninsula, the visitor can take Pikanõmme-Majakivi Trail (6.2 km).
    • Kolga (Kolk in German): 442 inhabitants village in Harju County known for Kolga Manor, a
      Kolga Manor
      manor from 1642 (althought it was rebuilt afterwards) owned by Stenbock till the beginning of the 20th century. The nearby Kolga Museum (10-18 Tue-Sun from Apr to Aug; 9-16 Mon-Fri from Sep to May;
      3€/ 2  adults/ reduced) has an exposition about the Broze Age burials in Kahala Lake. Near Kolga you can explore Viru Bog Nature Trail (3.5 km), boardwalk around Viru Bog that introduces the vegetation and terrain characteristic of the raised bog in Estonia. On the outskirts of the park there's a larger and more diverse bog, Kõnnu Suursoo. There are great views of it from Kõnnu Suursoo Observation Tower and Paukjärve Observation Tower. In the coast it can be taken the charming Tsitre Trail of Trees (0.8 km), a short and pleasant hike.
    • Viinistu Art Museum
      Kaspervik in German and Swedish): 119 inhabitants village placed in the western part of Pärispea Peninsula. Here it can be visited Viinistu Art Museum (11-18 Wed-Sun; 4€/ 2  adults/ kids), art gallery that displays Jaan Manitski's collection (one of the welathiest in Estonia, former manager of ABBA music group) which is focused in Estonian art, particulary contemporary one. Despite being located in such a faraway place it's considered one of the best art galleries in Estonia
    • Palmse (Palms in German): 61 inhabitants village located in the southern part of the National Park.
      Palmse Manor
      • Lahemaa National Park Visitor Center (9-17 from May to Sep; 9-17 Mon-Fri from Oct to Apr): visitor center located in the stable of Palmse Manor where visiting the exhibition and slideshow about the National Park, as well as getting information about it.
      • Palmse Manor (10-18 from Apr to Dec; 10-16 from Jan to Mar; 9€/ 7  adults/ kids): manor from 1720 built by the Baltic-German family Von der Pahlens till it was expropiated in 1923. Currently the complex, with more than 20 buildings, hosts different museums of furniture or clothing, hotel or restaurant.
      • Ojäärse Forest Trail (3.5 km): trail around Kuresso and Pikapõllu streams with some objects of culture historical
        significance along the trail like old boundary stones or verst sign posts.
      • Close to Palmse it's located the northernmost point of mainland Estonia, Pähknemännik. Herere there's a great panoramic view of the Estonian coast, stones, pretty paginated birds and nice and small sandy beaches. 
    • Käsmu (Kaspervik in German and Swedish): 144 inhabitants nice village that hosted a Naval Academy (and every family was said to have a boat captain).In 1920 nearly a third of the Estonian boats were registered here.
      Coast at Käsmu Peninsula
      It's located in the smallest peninsula in Lahemaa National Park.
      • Käsmu Maritime Museum (3): small private museum located in former Soviet coastguards barraks with an eclectic collection of maritime objects like nautical charts.
      • Käsmu Hiking Trail (15 km): trail around the whole Käsmu Peninsula that reaches Käsmu Lake.
      • Käsmu Nature and  Historical Trail (4.2 km): small trail that is a great introduction to the largest boulder field in Estonia and the rich cultural heritage of the village. 
      • Käsmu Cycling Trail (10.1 km): trail perfect for taking a break from civilisation by the forests on the peninsula, catching glimpses of the sea on Palganeem cape and between Kõrgekalda and Palganeem, Järvekael.
    • Võhma-Võsu Hiking Trail
      Võsu (Wösso in German): 418 inhabitants nice village that is one of the most popular places in the National Park due to its nightlife and its long beach.
      • Võhma-Võsu Hiking Trail (18 km): route along the bank of Raudna river up to where Raudna and Lemmjõgi rivers join where traces of beaver activity can be seen.
      • Oandu-Võsu Hiking Trail (10.2 km): trail that runs through primeval forests on the prehistoric Seljaku road (it used to be Oandu-Koljaku Nature Reserve). It can be done both on foot or by bicycle.
      • Another nice hike is Lobi Peninsula Trail (4.3 km), a trail that goes by Lobi Peninsula.
    • Sagadi Manor
      Not far from
      Võsu it's located Sagadi (Saggad in German), 60 inhabitants village with the beautiful Sagadi Manor (10-18 from Jun to Sep; 10-16 from Oct to May; 4€/ 3€/ 2  adults/ retiree/ students), a Baroque pink manor from 1753 inhabited by Von Focks family till 1939. The entrance allows to visit Sagadi Forest Museum, in the granery, dedicated to Lahemaa's fauna and flora. Within the complex it's placed Sagadi Nature School too.
    • Altja: 29 inhabitants small village belonging to Haljala municipality. It has an important fishing tradition and has some traditional buildings and interesting beaches, particulary between Altja and Mustoja. At Kiitemägi hill it can be enjoyed a traditional Estonian wooden swing.

      • Altja Nature and Cultural Historical Trail (2.6 km): trail tha gives an insight of the village and the surrounding nature, from the shingle to Altja river floodplain.
      • Beaver Trail (1 km): trail by Altja river where it can be seen beavers and their activity too.
      • Not far from Altja it can be found Ojakivi Trail (5.1 km), route that leads to the 3rd biggest boulder in Lahemaa National Park.
    • Oandu: 18 inhabitants village belonging to Lüganuse municipality.
      • Oandu Visitor Center (9-17 Mon-Fri, 10-18 Sat-Sun from May to Sep; 9-16 Mon-Fri from Oct to Apr): visitor center with cultural heritage activities and also nature and opportunities of nature recreation are introduced, as well as the production and use of forest and timber throughout the ages.
        Beaver trail
      • Oandu old-growth Forest Nature Trail (4.7 km): trail that introduces old coastal ridges, the different developmental stages of forest and the observation of traces of wild animal activities.
      • Oandu Heritage Trail (5 km): trail through the forest where getting acquainted of the heritage and work of previous generations related to the forest.
      • Oandu Plant Trail (1 km): route that takes you from the grasslands along the riverbank to the meadows, through the shady forest to the backyard of the nature center.
    • There is a hiking route named RMK Hiking Route Võsu-Oandu-Vergi-Lobi (40 km) that goes from Oandu to Ikla through all the National Park.

    Where can I eat in Lahemaa National Park?

    This National Park has a quite important culinary offer (specially compared with other Estonian National Park) but you can still get some food at supermarkets in Loksa and Võsu. Some of the best choices to eat out are Altja kõrts (Altja küla in Altja), Viinistu Restaurant in Viinistu, Viitna Kõrts (Viitna küla in Viitna), Palmse Kõrts (Vihula vald in Palmse) or Kõrts Jääkelder in Vihula Manor. To have a drink a good choice is O Kõrts (Jõe 3) in Võsu.

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