Saturday, 21 September 2019

Atlantic Islands of Galicia National Park

Atlantic Islands of Galicia National Park (also know as Parque Nacional das Illas Atlánticas or Parque Nacional de las Islas Atlánticas) is a 84.8 km² national park located on the western coast of Galicia. This National Park is the only one in Galicia and the 10th most visited in Spain. Its important isn't only for the awesome landscapes but also for its flora and fauna diversity, with more than 200 different species of seaweed, seabirds and mollusca. Currently it isn't inhabited (but Ons island) but has some campsites to spend the night. How do I arrive to Atlantic Islands of Galicia National Park?  The only way to reach the National Park is by boat. Boat: there are 4-5 daily boats from Vigo, Baiona and Cangas to Cíes Islands (aprox....

Friday, 20 September 2019


Cambados is a 15,510 inhabitants ria-side town, in the middle of Rías Baixas, in the western part of Galicia, Spain. It's also the capital city of albariño, the most popular Galician wine. Currently it's the fusion of three medieval towns: Fefiñáns, Cambados and Castrelo. It was named European City of Wine in 2017. How do I arrive to Cambados?   Cambados isn't bad comunicated because of the importance of tourism and the fact that is located between Pontevedra and Santiago de Compostela.  Bus: . There are 2-3 buses to O Grove from Santiago de Compostela (aprox. 2 hours 15 minutes) via Cambados (aprox. 30 minutes), Vilagarcía de Arousa (aprox. 1 hour) and Padrón (aprox. 1 hour 15 minutes) and 4-6 buses from Pontevedra (aprox....

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