Saturday, 31 October 2020

Ritsa Relict National Park

Ritsa Relict National Park (also known as in Abkhaz, რიწის დაცული ტერიტორია in Georgian, Национальный парк Рица Реликт in Russian) is a 311 km² national park in the northern part of Abkhazia, close to the border with Russia, whose main aim is protecting Lake Ritsa and the flora and fauna in the surrounding mountainous region. The landscape of the national park consists in mountain with different heights, lakes of different sizes, glaciers, caves rivers and waterfalls. The national park has also rich fauna and flore and is usually reached from Gagra. It's recomended to visit from April to October. How do I arrive to Ritsa Relict National Park?   Ritsa Relict National Park is located in a quite uninhabited part of Abkhazia so there...


Sukhumi (Аҟәа in Abkhaz, სოხუმი in Georgian, Сухум in Russian) is a 65,439 inhabitants city by the Black Sea, being the de facto capital of the unrecognised country of Abkhazia and de iure capital of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia, part of Georgia. It's also the capital of Sukhumi District. Sukhumi has a vibe similar to some cities in Italy, with a gorgeous setting on a bay,  hills on its back and semitropical vegetation. although it has many buildings ruined and in very poor conditions. The town had 119 150 residents in 1989 but after the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict (1992–93), ethnic cleansing of Georgians and other circunstances its population was importantly reduced.How do I arrive to Sukhumi?  Sukhumi is good base to explore...

Thursday, 29 October 2020


Abkhazia (Аԥсны in Abkhazian, სამხრეთ ოსეთი in Georgian, Абхазия in Russian) is a 245 thousand people de facto state, considered de iure part of Georgia (who regard it as occupied by Russia) in the northwestern part of Georgia, by the border with Russia. It's surrounded by the republic of Karachay-Cherkessia and Kransnodar Krai in Russia and the region of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti in Georgia. The population has a mostly Orthodox Christian tradition. The official languages are Abkhaz and Russian (although Georgian, Armenian and Svan are also spoken) and its currency is the Russian ruble (₽). The main and capital city of Abkhazia is Sukhumi, with other important towns like Tkvarcheli or Ochamchire.  How do I arrive to Abkhazia?  ...

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