Tui (Tuy in Spanish) is
a 16,902
inhabitants town in the south of Galicia, province of Pontevedra, by river Miño, very close to the border of Spain with Portugal. Tui has one of the most impressing cathedrals in Galicia and is an important touristic center. It forms an eurocity with the near Portuguese town of Valença do Minho.
How do I arrive to Tui?
Tui is quite connected with some places in the region of Pontevedra and with Portugal too.
Train: the town of Tui is linked daily with Vigo (aprox. 45 minutes).
Bus: Tui has some connections with some cities of Galicia like Vigo or Baiona.
Car: if you rented a car, it's 30 minutes from Vigo and A Guardia, 40 minutes from Baiona and Pontevedra and 1 hour from Ourense....