Alcalá de Henares is
a 193,751
inhabitants city by Henares river in the eastern part of the Community of Madrid. It's the 3rd largest city in the region, one of the first bishoprics in Spain and it has rich archeological points, proof of its rich and long history since Roman times. Alcalá de Henares was home of one the oldest universities in Spain, Universidad Complutense, till it moved to Madrid in the 19th century (nowadays it has its own university too). It was placed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1998.
How do I arrive to Alcalá de Henares?
Alcalá de Henares
is very well connected with Madrid in many ways.
Train: there are trains each 5-10 minutes to Alcalá de Henares (aprox. 45 minutes), in line C2 and C7, from...