Thursday, 28 February 2019


Daugavpils (Daugpiļs in Latgalian, Даугавпилс in Russian, Dyneburg in Polish) is a 94,196 inhabitants city in the banks of Daugava River. This city is the second most important in Latvia and an important railway junction and industrial center which has a very important Russian-speaking population, largely outnumbering Latvian and Polish minorities.   How do I arrive to Daugavpils?   Daugavpils is the 2nd most important city in Latvia so there are many way to arrive there from all over the country and the neighbour ones.  Train: there are at least 4 trains to Riga (aprox. 4 hours) from Daugavpils, for 7€ (one way). There are daily trains to cities in neighbouring countries such as St. Petersburg (Russia) and weekly...

Sunday, 17 February 2019


Rēzekne (Rēzne in Latgalian, Резекне in Russian, Rositten in German) is a 31,216 inhabitants town placed in the Rēzekne river Valley in the region of Latgalia in Latvia, not far from the Russian border (63 km). Its nickname is The Heart of Latgale (Latgolys sirds in Latgalian) and it's an intersection of railways like Ventpils-Moscow and St. Petersbourg-Warsaw. Rēzekne is the 7th most-populated town in Latvia.  How do I arrive to Rēzekne?   Rēzekne is a border town which is pretty well communicated by public transportation.  Train: there's an important train route between Riga and Zilupe that stops at Rēzekne. It's 3.5 hours from Riga (7.20€) and 1 hour away from Zilupe (2.35€). You can also reach Rēzekne from Daugavpils...

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