Saturday, 29 December 2018

Vatican City

Vatican City (Stato della Città del Vaticano in Italian, Status Civitatis Vaticanae in Latin) is a 1,000 people country in the southern part of Europe, inside Italy, the smallest country in the world. The population is all Catholic, the official languages are Italian and Latin. The official currency is the euro (€) even though the country doesn't belong to the European Union (EU). The capital and largest city is Vatican City. This country is unique in the world because it's an ecclesiastical state, the leader of the country is the Pope of the Roman Catholicism religion.  How do I arrive to Vatican City?   The only way to arrive to Vatican City is arriving from Rome: walking, by bus, by train or underground, by car or by taxi.  Bus:...

Sunday, 23 December 2018

San Marino

San Marino (Serenissima Repubblica di San Marino in Italian) is a 33,344 people country in the south of Europe, inside Italy, one of the smallest countries of the world (the 5th one), surrounded by the regions of Emilia-Romagna and Marche. The population has a mostly Catholic religious tradition, the official language is Italian (and also Romagnol dialect/language) and the official currency is the euro (€) even though the country doesn't belong to the European Union (EU). The capital city is City of San Marino but the most populated one is Dogana, in Serravalle municipality. The territory of San Marino is composed by nine old small towns, castelli: City of San Marino, Borgo Maggiore, Serravalle, Faetano, Domagnano, Chiesanuova, Acquaviva,...

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